Adelaide woman Sarah Sin offers ‘Cash for Cuddles’ business at $70 an hour

Adelaide woman Sarah Sin offers ‘Cash for Cuddles’ business at $70 an hour

A South Australian woman has started a new business selling cuddles. The fees start at $70 an hour and she's happy to get cosy at your place or hers.

It’s a service that only the lonely (and possibly the rich) would pay for - but an Adelaide woman says she has turned her cuddling skills into a potentially lucrative business.

Sarah Sin, who says her services are strictly non-sexual, charges her clients $70 an hour for cuddles they are missing out on in their everyday lives.

“When they come here it’s like they’re seeing a friend,” she told 7 News.

“They can get those cuddles and it induces those happy hormones and that’s it - that’s their recharge for a week.

“We all want intimacy...we all want connection at the end of the day...and to me there’s nothing wrong with reaching out.”
It’s strictly non-sexual stuff, Sarah Sin says

Ms Sin, who has taken out prime-time radio advertising to spruik her services, says Cuddle Care Connections is open to all - but most of her clients are divorced men.

To keep things on the non-racy side, she insists those she’s hugging stick to two important rules: they they have at least a pair of shorts and a T-shirt on.

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