‘It’s on tape’: The internet hammers Trump for blaming recorded criticism of Theresa May on ‘fake news’

‘It’s on tape’: The internet hammers Trump for blaming recorded criticism of Theresa May on ‘fake news’

President Donald Trump retreated from his criticism of British prime minister Theresa May while standing next to her during a joint news conference — and Twitter users buried him in scorn.

The president wrecked May’s fragile position in the unfolding Brexit debacle during a harshly critical video interview with the Rupert Murdoch-owned newspaper The Sun, but dismissed his own recorded remarks the following day as “fake news” when asked about them by a reporter.
Trump refused to take a question from a CNN reporter, accusing the network of broadcasting “fake news,” and moved on to a Fox News reporter, and also reaffirmed his criticism of May after denying those remarks.

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