A married couple from Russellville in Arkansas do spend their nights in bed cozying up to an unusual pet - their fluffy raccoon which the wife claiming the animal is a big part of her family. Bethany Swindell, 33, and her husband Russ, 35, rescued the the raccoon after she fell more than 30 feet from the top of an oak tree in their garden in June 2016. Although the couple, from Russellville in Arkansas, spotted the one-week-old raccon's mother in the tree, she did not retrieve her by nightfall. So Swindell, a professor at Arkansas Tech University, scooped up the raccoon, who was hairless and the size of a 'baked potato,' named her June and took her in. A check-up at the vet confirmed June was not injured in the fall. Swindell and her husband, who is an electrical supervisor, then fed June on milk designed for kittens. The couple had hoped to release June back into the wild, but now, the two-year-old has become too used to home comforts like her owne...