#OgunUnrest - Residents are ‘shooking’ the thieves has they attack them with cutlass: [VIDEO]

#OgunUnrest - Residents are ‘shooking’ the thieves has they attack them with cutlass: [VIDEO]

Ogun state at war as they face serious robbery due to ongoing pandemic.

People are facing serious hunger and in a community where there is no food, robbery will surely surface.

See what victims are saying :-

My sis just called to inform me that there r robbers on our street in ogun state and my dad nd other landlords had to go out with machetes nd planks to face these robbers,I feel so helpless right now,I'm far away in Lagos and my dad is out there to face men with guns #OgunUnrest

Two thieves caught in my street in abule-egba axis this night... Currently being handed over to the police force... The youths are working,no time to sleep #OgunUnrest

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