Police officer screams out pain after his hand is chopped off with a sword while trying to enforce Coronavirus lockdown [video]

Police officer screams out pain after his hand is chopped off with a sword while trying to enforce Coronavirus lockdown [video]

An Indian policeman was attacked with a sword while he and his fellow officers were trying to enforce coronavirus lockdown rules at a checkpoint.

Harjit Singh, an assistant sub-inspector with the Punjab Police, was patrolling outside a vegetable market in Patiala when seven men belonging to the Nihang Sikh warrior sect attacked him and his colleagues.

Footage from the scene shows the terrifying moment a truck carrying the warriors rammed through the barricades before they came down from their vehicle and launched an attack with traditional Sikh blades.

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During the attack, on of the warriors chopped off Singh's arm, removing his left hand from his wrist. The officer was seen in the video screaming in pain as he tries to stop the flow of blood with a handkerchief.

According to CNN, the assailants were arrested and brought into custody, but Singh and six fellow officers suffered injuries and were rushed to the Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research in Chandigarh.

Officer Singh had a 'painstaking' surgery and doctors were able to reattach Singh's severed limb to his left wrist.

Speaking on the incident, Captain Amarinder Singh of the Punjab Police tweeted: 'Police Party on Naka duty was attacked today in which one ASI's hand was cut off and six were injured.

'Police cornered the culprits and have taken them into custody.'

 Watch video from the scene below:-

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