Little girl shows up for her graduation ceremony with lashes and manicured nails (video)

Little girl shows up for her graduation ceremony with lashes and manicured nails (video)

A little girl has “raised the bar” with her appearance for her graduation ceremony. 

The little girl turned up for her graduation ceremony in lashes and fixed nails. The video was trailed by mixed reactions from social media users. 

Watch the video below…

cindyokafor_: Gen z mum 🤦‍♂️

sugarvie_: She could easily hurt other kids with those nails. While I do not ever offer opinions to parents on how to parent, do not do the one that will affect my child I take God beg una 🙌

amarachi_flora: I blame the school for allowing this,some parents should allow kids to be kids!!!!ahh,this is too much 😢

virtuous_woman_juliana: Let kids be kids.. very wrong 😑

fashion_magicblog: I don’t know her mom but I already have an idea how she looks like

oap_adebanke: This is wrong

girl_wit_no_name: This can only happen in trenches school 😂 because normal school will not allow the girl enter, the parents should be arrested.

braavolisacouture: Exactly what happens when a baby births another baby

jandjtuckerfashionista: Why???? Pushing kids to look older!!! They will get to adult hood soon enough!!! Especially in the times we are living in!!! This is soooo wrong !!!

kingcwilliams: Na wetin single mother dey cause…cause there is no way a responsible father will allow his DAUGHTER to be treated dis way

lady_jofficial: Is this video real??

anneomoleme: Dem paint her nails different colors sev😏 nah werey dey worry her parents 🙄😏😏

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