Over Jealous lady damaged the screen of her boyfriend's car because he caught a lady with him without knowing she is just her cousin (video)

Over Jealous lady damaged the screen of her boyfriend's car because he caught a lady with him without knowing she is just her cousin (video)

Over jealous lady damaged the screen of her Boyfriend’s Toyota Camry car after catching him with another lady in his house.

In the video sent to GOTD, it was discovered that the lady screamed out at her boyfriend’s compound holding a timber in her hand.

The next scene was that she started shouting and breaking the screen of her boyfriend’s Toyota Camry car.

beforehand people has surrounded them asking the lady what the problem was but her anger continues to go wired.

Until the accused lady was forced to talk asking the other lady “do you know who I’m” she replied you are a prostitute but eventually the lady open up that she is just a cousin to her boyfriend.

Watch the video below;

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