A Nigerian man studying in Belfast has been taken into custody for allegedly trying to solicit sexual acts from children in Northern Ireland

A Nigerian man studying in Belfast has been taken into custody for allegedly trying to solicit sexual acts from children in Northern Ireland

The man identified as Cyril Kenneth was arrested after family members discovered his inappropriate communication with their 15-year-old niece. 

A Nigerian man studying in Belfast has been taken into custody for allegedly trying to solicit sexual acts from children in Northern Ireland

According to Mr. Kenneth’s account, he began speaking with the underage female as well as other teen girls because he desired companionship while adjusting socially in an unfamiliar environment. His intent was only meant for guidance by providing advice and cannot be held responsible if misinterpreted due to language barriers or cultural differences. 

However, incriminating evidence including messages involving sexually charged content such as inquiries regarding virginity status and photographs revealing intimate areas prompted officials’ swift response towards detention and additional questioning concerning Mr. Kenneth’s actions surrounding alleged encounters with minors at large. 

The defendant attributed his behavior towards difficulties resisting external temptations beyond reasonable control saying it was ‘the devil’ who led him down this path. At present time he is awaiting court proceedings related to this incident. 

Take a moment to view Kenneth’s interrogation below.

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